Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving

-Set in Boston, Mass
-A tree had lots of money being buried by a pirate. Some people say that the devil hid the money. But Kidd never return to the sport because he was hanged for being a pirate.
-Tom and his wife were so miserable together that they would cheat each other.
-Their house was pitiful; Iron bars, trees look like a haunted house.
-Fought a lot too
-Tom took a shortcut home through the swamp when he stopped at a old Indian village. When he was sitting he found an old tomahawk.
-This guy comes from behind and is angry with him. He's Indian, but he is covered in soot to make him look black.
The black guy goes by various names. Wild huntsman, black miner etc.
-Talks to Quakers and Anabaptists
-They had a long talk and they soon become friends. Black guy told him about the money.
-He comes home and finds out Absalom Crowninshield is dead.
-Tom and the guy make a deal about the money. He isn't suppose to tell anyone about it.
-Tom goes home and decides to tell his wife about the money. She wants him to do it, but since she wants him to do it he won't because he doesn't want to make her happy.
-The wife decides to talk to the guy. She goes, but comes back empty handed. She goes back again with everything she owned and never returned.
-He comes home and doesn't think anything of it. But after while of her not being there, he gets scared.
-Many stores came up. She got stuck in the swamp, eloped with a guy and moved. Others said a tall black man came out of the swamp with an ax and a bag full of stuff.
-One of the stories said that Tom went to go look for her, when he was about to give up when he looked up and saw her apron and a vulture. When he got to the tree the vulture flew away, but Tom got the apron only to find a heart and a liver.
-tom thought the black man hepled him because of his wife dying. He wanted to pay him back.
-They get together and talk but the money. The black man wants to give it to the slave ship, but he refuses.
-Black man tells him he has to open a broker's shop in Boston.
-He opens his shop and everyone goes to him thus making him rich and taking everyone's money.
-He started to become a bragger and going to church and becoming a LOUD Christian.
-As he got older he became more crazy. One incident is when he cemented his horse to the ground because it was believed that the earth was going to turn over and when it did he would be able to ride away.
-One day when he was old and finishing a deal there was a knock on the door. The black man was there. He tries to get away, but he didn't have any of his bibles with him. the black man whisks him away and the people never saw him again.
-The black man was like the devil. The deal was that he could have the money, but when he has to sell his soul to the devil. And that's what the black man came to get him for. His time was up.

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